Executive Board
President Michelle Foiles president@cannonpta.org
President-elect VACANT  president.elect@cannonpta.org
1st VP/Membership Jaime Paxton 1st-vp@cannonpta.org
2nd VP/Fundraising Maureen Collins  2nd-vp@cannonpta.org
Secretary Liz Johnson secretary@cannonpta.org
Treasurer Ashley Hollingsworth treasurer@cannonpta.org
Parliamentarian Melissa Bailey parliamentarian@cannonpta.org
Committee Chairs
Communications Chair Stefani Donaldson communications@cannonpta.org
Programs Chair Kalere Jacob programs@cannonpta.org
Advocacy Chair Trista Knower advocacy@cannonpta.org
Dads' Club Chair Socrates Villarreal  dadsclub@cannonpta.org
Events Chair Anna Cordova events@cannonpta.org
Hospitality and Staff Appreciation Chair Brooke Teeter-Stocz hospitality@cannonpta.org
Volunteers Chair Debbie Flowers volunteers@cannonpta.org
Council Delegate Jenna Williams delegate@cannonpta.org
Inclusion Chair VACANT inclusion@cannonpta.org
Healthy Lifestyles Chair VACANT health@cannonpta.org
Environmental Chair VACANT environment@cannonpta.org
Student Voice Chair VACANT student-voice@cannonpta.org
Grade Coordinators
POSITION   Cannon E-mail
K   kindergarten@cannonpta.org
1   1st-grade@cannonpta.org
2 Jackie Stollfus 2nd-grade@cannonpta.org
3   3rd-grade@cannonpta.org
4   4th-grade@cannonpta.org
5 Maureen Collins 5th-grade@cannonpta.org




Learn more about the leadership roles:




  • coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the association in order that the Purposes may be promoted;
  • confirm that a quorum is present at all meetings of the membership and executive board before conducting business;
  • preside at all meetings of the membership and executive board;
  • appoint the chair of each standing committee and special committee, subject to the approval of the executive board, unless otherwise provided in these bylaws;
  • be authorized to sign on bank accounts, unless prohibited by terms of employment;
  • be authorized to sign contracts approved by the executive board;
  • be listed as the principal officer and be authorized to sign tax documents, unless prohibited by terms of employment;
  • appoint a member, subject to the approval of the executive board, who is not authorized to sign on the bank account to open, review, initial and date each bank statement;
  • represent the Local PTA as a delegate to Council PTA;
  • appoint the financial reconciliation committee, subject to the approval of the executive board; and, serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating and financial reconciliation committees.



  • be authorized to sign on back accounts, unless prohibited by terms of employment;
  • serve as an ex-officio member of all committees except the nominating and financial reconciliation committees.
  • Conduct any other business as shall become necessary;
  • and automatically become president at the end of the term.


First Vice President

  • duties include aide-to-the-president;
  • membership;
  • and preside in the absence of the president (in their designated order):


Second Vice President

  • duties include fundraising;
  • and preside in the absence of the president (in their designated order):




  • record and maintain the minutes of all meetings of the membership and the executive board; send, or cause to be sent, notice of meetings of the membership and of the executive board; be responsible for correspondence;
  • collect and preserve documents relating to the history of the association; present a written report to the association as the official history to be adopted at the annual membership meeting; have a current copy of the bylaws;
  • confirm the executive board has reviewed and the membership has adopted the Texas PTA PTA/PTSA Records Retention Policy annually;
  • confirm that all executive board members have signed the Local PTA Confidentiality, Ethics, and Conflict of Interest Agreement;
  • collect certificates to confirm that all executive board members have completed all modules of FOUNDATIONS training by October 15 after their election or appointment;
  • maintain the required documents of the association to include: all components of FOUNDATIONS training completion lists, records retention policy; adopted and signed ethics/conflict of interest policy, membership rosters (not to be released to outside interests), adopted plans of work, and completed student permission forms (if applicable); and not be a member of the financial reconciliation committee.




  • have custody of all the funds of the association;
  • serve as the chair of the budget and finance committee;
  • present a written and verbal financial report at executive board and membership meetings and as requested by the executive board or membership;
  • maintain books of account and records including bank statements, receipts, budgets, invoices, paid receipts and canceled checks in accordance with the records retention policy;
  • make disbursements in accordance with the budget adopted by the membership; be authorized to sign on bank accounts;
  • be authorized to sign tax documents, if the president is prohibited by terms of employment;
  • present a preliminary annual report, i.e. budget to actual, at the last membership meeting; complete and file all necessary tax documents;
  • and present books of account and records to the financial reconciliation committee.



  • advise the presiding officer on questions of parliamentary procedure when asked;
  • and vote only when the vote is by ballot.



We also have a number of standing committees, and each of these committees needs a chair:

  • Dads Club
  • Events
  • Programs 
  • Volunteers - coordinates grade-level coordinators and volunteers
  • Inclusion
  • Communications
  • Student Voice
  • Environment
  • Healthy Lifestyles
  • Hospitality and Staff Appreciation
  • Council Delegate
  • Advocacy